An end to a stressful week with a show tonight and backpacking tomorrow.

It's a reference to one of the AIs from Neuromancer [] :)


I’m quite partial to it :)

I finally moved Nomad [] over to Heroku, which has made adding another developer a lot easier. It works, at least for now.

I've built a few in my time :) I was mostly interested in seeing what a commercial offering would do, especially since it was marketed as being a "sidekick."


I had been doing some online courses in robotics, so it was pretty cool to see the technologies in action and I felt like I better understood what was going on; I wouldn't have gotten it if I hadn't gotten it at a discount, though.

Being that I’m pretty interested in robotics and their interactions with people, I had picked up a Vector. It’s kind of a delightful little robot, and even my girlfriend likes it. But, it doesn’t really do anything and I kept coming home to find it dead off its charger or stuff on the floor because it had knocked it off the table. So it’s kind of sad to see, but they never really did anything with it.

All too familiar with the never-ending list of topics to write about. I've got a number of half-finished org-mode (emacs tool for planning stuff) outlines for things, but never really find the time to sit down and work on them. Importantly, I don't have the time to sit down and come up with a coherent thread to run through all the points instead of just dumping a bunch semi-coherent points in a post somewhere.

I've set up a Pelican site that's easy to write "journal entries" that aren't given much space on the front page as an experiment in writing more often. It's been helpful but it's been difficult to keep up on.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say.

Neat! It’s an SMS interface to Pnut?