Slowly getting the hang of writing posts; haven't really written anything in Markdown in a while.

@kdfrawg What about timed mutes? For example, I might only want to mute during Google IO / WWDC.

Fancy running into y'all here.

// @kdfrawg

:D but seriously, sooooon. I want to get a keyboard at some point… and I haven't been doing hardware tinkering lately, so that's all moving into a closet.

There is when you need to clean out your place to make room for them, or spend money on instruments you don't end up playing, or … okay, no, there's nothing wrong with it :)

New Post: Monkey makes a tool []

Almost bought a mandolin the other day; I say almost, but that just means I was strongly tempted to after passing by a used instrument place, but I didn't even go inside.

Hello @kdfrawg, , , , and ! Still getting my bearings around here…

Hello, world.